
HARD CRO - Ultra Race 2016

  • Natjecanje
  • Muško / Ženski
  • dobna skupina
  • liga/natjecanje


HARD CRO - Ultra Race 2016 Organizator


Ponedjeljak, 20.06.2016 09:00 Početak

Subota, 25.06.2016 09:00 Završetak

HARD CRO is an international ultra marathon cycling race in Croatia, to be organised for the first time in June 2016. (Start 20.06. 9h - Finish 24.06. 23h) with the intention of repeating it each year before the tourist season. The challenge consists of completing the race in less than 5 days, cycling through the most attractive locations in Croatia, from Prevlaka to Ilok.

All the contestants are to be fully autonomous, with no support along the route, caring about their own food, equipment, bicycle and pauses. However, organiser will provide in Savudrija and St. Martin on Mura (control points) apartments for short sleep, showers and lunch. Route plan is suggested, not obligatory, each contestant should make their own route and plan the ride individually, it's important to reach the finish line in Ilok before clock runs out, that is 110 hours for men under 50 years, ladies and men above 50 will have 120 hours!
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